For a complete overview of general Settlement page functionality, please see: Settling a show on the web (Artist Account).
This article provides a tax focused overview of Settling shows with atVenu in Canada.
Creating a Canadian Show:
When you save a new show to your Shows page, and select a Venue located in Canada, be sure the country is set correctly. atVenu Register will automatically default to the local currency for the country of the selected show.
Additionally, the country needs to match the Venue's location for submitting nightly music sales to Luminate. UPCs can be registered with Luminate for USA, Canada, or both, but the country saved to the Venue is what atVenu will use to submit nightly sales. If your UPC is not registered in that country, your sales will be rejected by Luminate.
Note: If you have selected an atVenu Verified Venue (indicated by a green, verified checkmark) and the country is incorrect, please email us at, and we can correct the country for you.
- If you are using an Artist or Festival Account, click into the Details panel to configure taxes (GST/HST, PST) for the show
- If you are using a Venue account, tax rates will automatically populate based on the default rates saved under Account Settings > Taxes
Tax Rates:
At the top of the Settlement page, in the Show Info section, you again have the opportunity to enter or edit Tax Rates as needed.
Tax Retained By:
Select who is retaining the tax.
- GST/HST: Select Venue, Artist, or Split (To split the tax retained between Venue and Artist)
- PST: Select None (If PST does not apply), Venue, Artist, or Split (To split the tax retained between Venue and Artist)
Please Note:
- For Venue/Festival accounts, you have the ability to configure Settlement presets under Account Settings > Taxes
- Tax Overrides can be entered on a per item basis and both GST/HST and PST can be overridden
Tax on Credit Card Fee:
In the Credit Card/Cash section of the Settlement, you can configure tax on the CC fee, if it applies.
Click the Tax Applied To dropdown, then specify which category the tax should be applied to (Apparel, Other, Music, or None (Default)). Fees are deducted from Gross Sales, and the Artist/Venue is credited their portion of the taxes based on the split.
Gross Sales:
The Gross Sales section of the page details how the Adjusted Gross is calculated. Be sure to confirm the Gross Sales total is correct.
- Sales Tax is backed out of the Total Gross and retained by Artist or Venue
- CC fees are backed out of the Total Gross and retained by Artist or Venue
- Off Top Show Adjustments are backed out of the Total Gross
- The Adjusted Gross is broken down by Merchandise and Music sales, along with a Total
Note: Adjusted Gross = Total Gross Sales - CC Fees - Taxes - Off Top Show Adjustments
The Settlement section of the page details the split between Artist and Venue, and how that is calculated.
Note: Venue Cuts are calculated against the Adjusted Gross, not Total Gross Sales.
- Venue Cuts (including any Venue Cut Adjustments entered on the Counts page), CC Fees, Show Adjustments, and Taxes are all detailed, and broken down by Artist and Venue
- Confirm the Total Due Artist and the Total Due Venue amounts
Tax Summary:
The Tax Summary section of the Settlement page is specific to non-US shows, and provides a clear summary of the applied taxes and how they break down, including:
- Tax Type (GST/HST, PST)
- Tax Rate
- Collected By (Venue, Artist, or Split)
- Total tax $ amounts for Apparel, Other, Music, and Total
- Total tax $ amounts broken down by Artist and Venue, also clearly displayed in the header of the section
- Tax collected on Credit Card Fees (if applicable)
Note: The PDF version of the Nightly Settlement will also include Tax Summary on a second page
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