When running Multiple Stands, which can be enabled from your atVenu.com account under Account Settings > Stands, Venue & Festival Accounts have the ability to distribute their product across all stands enabled for the show by percentage. Our Distribute By Percentage feature allows you to quickly distribute your items across all, or select stands and then refine quantities as needed. The feature allows you to distribute all items by percentage, or distribute items individually by percentage.
If you're running Multiple Stands, once you've Counted In, you need to distribute your items to your stands in order for them to be available for sale in atVenu Register.
Distribute All Items by %:
To distribute all of your items by percentage in 1 step, use Distribute All By %.
- Access the Distribution page within the Artist Counts page
- Click the Distribute All button located on the right side of the utility bar at the bottom of the screen
Enter Round Down Quantities:
- By default, atVenu will round your distributions down to the nearest 12 for Apparel, or 10 for Other and Music items so you do not distribute more product than you have available
- Round Down quantities can be edited as needed
Enter Stand Distributions:
- Enter a percentage to distribute to all or select stands
- atVenu will calculate the percentages you enter
- Click the Distribute button
Stand distribution percentages cannot total more than 100%
- You'll see that each item has been distributed as per the percentages entered for each stand and each distribution has been rounded down to the nearest preset quantity
Distribute Individual Items by %:
Now that you've distributed all of your items by percentage, you may wish to override distributions by percentage on an individual item basis.
- Locate the item on the Distribution page
- Click the Distribute by % button under the item's image thumbnail
- Click Continue if you are overwriting a previous distribution
- Enter Round Down quantities and percentages for all or select stands
- Click Distribute and the previously distributed quantities will be overwritten for this item only
Transfer Remaining:
You may be left with remaining quantities that were not able to be distributed by percentage due to rounding. If you wish to distribute all remaining inventory to a specific location, you can do so as follows:
- Click the Transfer Remaining button from the right side of the utility bar at the bottom of the screen
- Select a stand location
- Click Transfer and all remaining quantities are moved to the selected stand
Additional Notes:
- You can manually adjust distributed quantities to distribute remaining inventory by clicking on any cell to open the Issues panel
- You can delete quantities from any cell to remove the distribution for a specific item / stand entirely
- To start over with your distributions, click on the Distribute All button again to overwrite all previous distributions and confirm by clicking Continue
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