Discounts applied in atVenu Register are not reflected in Show Settlements. If you have processed discounts through atVenu Register, your Settlement will be short by the total amount of your discounts. To balance, you can enter the total amount of your discounts as a Show Adjustment (Show Cost).
Enter a Show Adjustment (Show Cost):
- Click on Click here to add a show adjustment
- Enter a description for the Show Adjustment. In our case, we'll enter: Discounts
- Use the Cost Type dropdown to select where the cost should be applied. In this scenario, use Off Top. This will reduce your Total Gross amount by the amount you are short from the discounted sales and reflect it in the Adjusted Gross
- Locate your total discounts on the Register Report, and enter the total in the Total Cost ($) field
Locate Discounts on the Register Report as follows:
- Access Register Reports by clicking the Register Report button from any show's Counts or Settlement page
- On the Home page, the total Discounts are listed at the bottom of the page, broken down by event
- Or, click on Items and scroll down to see discounts broken down by item
Optional Step:
Because Discounts are not represented on the show Settlement, the total Cash amount in the Credit Card/Cash section of the Settlement will appear inflated. If you would like to correct the Cash total in this section of the Settlement, simply add an additional Payment Entry called 'Discounts', which will update the total Cash accordingly.
- Click the (+)Plus button in the Credit Card/Cash section
- Enter Discounts as your description, then enter the total Discount $ amount
Discounts with Tax on Top: If running Discounts in combination with Tax on Top, you may see a small difference between the tax total on the Settlement vs the tax total on the Register Report. The Settlement does not take into account your discounts, so the tax on your Settlement may be higher than what was actually collected on atVenu Register. While there is no way to adjust the tax calculation on the Settlement, if you wish to reduce the Adjusted Gross by the tax portion applied to the discounted amount, you can calculate the tax that should apply to the total discounts and enter an Off Top Show Adjustment.
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