You can enable Vend Fee % as a line item on your Settlements from the Manage Tours page. You must be an Account Owner to access Manage Tours.
To enable Vend Fee:
- Log in to your account at
- From the Tours page, click on the tour name to open the tour dropdown
- Click on the Manage Tours button from the dropdown. If you have multiple tours, scroll down to the bottom of the list to locate the button
- Click the Pencil button to edit the tour you want to enable Vend Fee for. Vend Fee needs to be enabled on tours individually
- Click on the circle next to Enable under 'Enable Vend Fee?'
- Click Save Tour
Once Vend Fee is enabled for the tour, you'll see the addition of the Vendor Fee % options on the Settlement page in the Cash from Show section for each show within that tour.
- Enter the Vend Fee % for Merch, Other, and/or Music
You must enter the % for each show manually. There is no way to set a default %
- The Vend Fee is calculated off of the Adjusted Gross of the selected categories, and is pulled off the bottom of the final payment amount
In the screenshot below, you can see we applied a 5% Vend Fee to merch which when calculated against the Adjusted Gross for this show, equals a vendor fee of $405.18. This amount is then deducted from the total Cash from Show, reducing the Cash on Hand balance.
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