Yes, you can submit Pre-Orders to Luminate with atVenu. When saving your Music items check the box next to Pre-Order. You will be required to enter the official release date and Record Rep’s email address.
The Record Rep must be someone Luminate can contact to verify album release details - Ideally someone from your record label. For unsigned artists, this person could be management or other, but they must be a third party that can confirm album release details with Luminate - Not someone from the band, for example.
Once the item has been saved, you can begin submitting sales as normal. All reported Pre-Orders will count toward the first week’s reporting period.
In order for a sale to count as a Pre-Order, the customer may not receive the physical item until the official release date or later.
For additional questions about Pre-Orders or to confirm your Record Rep qualifies, contact the Luminate Team at
Also see: Intro to Luminate Reporter on Web (Training Video)
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