With our Tour Merch Mgmt package and up, you can have multiple tours active at once.
Note: If you are a Luminate Reporter user, you can only have 1 active tour at a time. To add a new tour, access the Shows page, then Manage Tours. Creating a new tour will close the open tour, but you will still have access to it and your historical data.
- Log in to your account at atVenu.com
- From the Tours page, click on the tour name to open the tour dropdown
- Click on the Manage Tours button from the dropdown. If you have multiple tours, scroll down to the bottom of the list to locate the button
- Click on the +Add Tour button from the Manage Tours page
- Enter the tour name and date range, select the Tour Type and Report Currency, then click the Save Tour button
Note: All Reports, including Tour Reporting and Nightly Settlement Emails, convert back to the Report Currency you save for the tour.
Multiple tours are supported with our Tour Merch Mgmt, Advanced Inventory Mgmt, and MerchIQ packages.
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